What is an RPO?

RPO (Recruitment Process Outsourcing) assumes all or part of its recruitment processes to the client company. RPOs can provide its own recruiters or may assume the company's staff, technology, methodologies and reporting resources.

Benefits of Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Recruitment process outsourcing is still new for a lot of companies. Some may not realize that there are options in how to outsource or to improve their recruiting process, while others may stick with other solutions because that’s the way it’s always done and that’s the way the boss likes to do things. However, if you’re serious about RPO and really want to know what it could do for your organization, then here are the six awesome benefits of RPO.

Reduced Recruiting Costs

An RPO provider can reduce recruiting costs by streamlining your recruiting process and showing you how to find good candidates better and with less time and money.


Scalable Recruiting

An RPO is great for companies that are growing rapidly, need project based recruiting, and that may need extra help in scaling their recruiting capacity to meet growth.


Consistent + Predictable

An RPO can help get everything together and make the recruit-to-hire process consistent and predictable for both parties and across the entire organization.


Candidate Quality

An RPO provider can reduce recruiting costs by streamlining your recruiting process and showing you how to find good candidates better and with less time and money.


Manager Satisfaction

An RPO is great for companies that are growing rapidly, need project based recruiting, and that may need extra help in scaling their recruiting capacity to meet growth.


Employment Brand

An RPO can help get everything together and make the recruit-to-hire process consistent and predictable for both parties and across the entire organization.

Engage Recruiting is an RPO with a difference

Staffing challenges have a direct impact on the company’s ability to innovate and, ultimately, compete in today’s environment. The cost of finding, hiring and retaining talent has significantly increased year over year, hurting your bottom line as a result.


We are an experienced team of in-house Heads of Talent and recruiters with verifiable success in scaling multiple companies.

Recognize Your Needs

We are an experienced team of in-house Heads of Talent and recruiters with verifiable success in scaling multiple companies.

Goal Focused

We aim to conserve your financial resources, optimize the workload of your staff and help scale your company at the pace you’d like.